How do I join the Threads of Time Quilt Guild of Lexington, SC?

You may attend a meeting and join during the meeting.  There will be a place for new members to sign-up and pay the yearly dues of $24 or a prorated amount, according to when you join.  Otherwise, you may email  ThreadsOfTimeQuiltGuild@gmail.com to further inquire. 

What should I expect when I attend a meeting?

First, please sign-in at the sign-in table located at the entrance, as you enter the meeting room (referred to as the Fellowship Hall). Each meeting has an organized agenda and schedule.  The meeting will be called to order at 10:00 am by the guild president.  New members and visitors will be recognized.  Committees will give updates.  Various prizes will be awarded.  Light refreshments are served.  The meeting will end with a program that supports learning a new quilting skill or topic.  

What does that word/phrase mean?

You may hear the following terms during a meeting and wonder, "What does that mean?" Each meeting is filled with some fun elements as well as some updates regarding the support of local charities.  Here are some of the terms you may hear and thier meanings.  

Do I have to sign-up and/or pay for the meeting "Program?" 

Each program/class is free but some special programs may require a fee to cover material costs. Participants are usually asked to sign-up ahead of time so the guild has an idea of how many participants will attend. The specifics of the "program" or "class" determines whether or not there is a fee.  If you are a member, keep a check on our Member Facebook group for details. 

How do I join the Threads of Time Quilt Guild of Lexington, SC Facebook group?

Once you become a member and pay the yearly dues, you may request to join the Facebook group